Orange County Professional Photographer
Being a professional photographer here in Orange County means you get to photograph some really cool events and locations throughout Southern California. More often than naught we’re shooting weddings or engagement sessions, as well as some form of family photography, such as maternity, newborn, graduation/senior photos or just the families themselves. But one of the photo shoots we really enjoy doing are Marriage Proposals. Marriage Proposals are often so exciting filled with a lot of love, the element of surprise and the magic in the air. Having the opportunity to photograph Andrew proposing to Jen at Coastal Vista View Park was a great moment to be a witness to.
Located in Newport Beach, just south of Route 73 and about 4-5 miles from Crystal Cove State Beach, Coastal Vista View Park is an absolutely beautiful location that many people don’t even know about. The scenic view is simply stunning and there are plenty of large rocks that create a great photographic background.
When Andrew contacted us, he had this terrific plan in mind. I mean, it was mapped out. It was great because no one plans it out that thoroughly with us like he did. His plan was for him and Jen to go for a nice, romantic walk with their dog, and to take in this great view of the ocean before they went off to dinner. Little did Jen know that her closest friends had already prepared an area setting the scene for the ultimate moment. The scene included large pillows, shelving units with flowers in vases, framed photographs of the two of them, a board of destination keys, a bucket of ice with champagne and eight little boxes. Each box had a letter and a question mark on it, spelling out, M A R R Y M E ?
Most of the time when we’re asked to photograph a proposal, the groom will ask us to hide as we take the photos and then come out to take more after the big question has been popped. Whether it be behind a building, in bushes or just pretend to be photographing another person. As beautiful as Coastal Vista View Park is, it doesn’t have too much to hide in. Andrew asked if we could hide in this one particular bush, which worked just fine as they came walking up the pathway until the designated area was in Jen’s view. At that point, we had no choice but to step out of the bushes to continue to take photographs.
As they walked around this one particular bend, the decorated area came into Jen’s view. Combined with the playing of classical music, a confused Jen started to realize just what was going on. The icing on it is when it was time for me to step out of the bushes and into a new location, and she just looked at me with surprise in her eyes. That put the whole thing over the top and although I couldn’t remain hidden until after the proposal, the look of surprise we captured on Jen’s face was all the same.
Despite the cloudy, overcast clouds and the weather being a little bit chilly, Andrew’s plan went off without a hitch.
Between Andrew’s plan and Jen’s friends helping, it all made for a very special moment that will last a lifetime, along with many more memories to be created.
On behalf of the entire team at Three16 Photography, we cannot be happier for you both!!